A lot of my landscape photos involve quite a lot of work. To set up the camera on its tripod and waiting for the right light can take hours and the camera bag has a lot of lenses and other equipment. But here I have selected a few photos that all of them are taken by the wayside along E10, the main artery along the Lofoten Islands, and all are taken handheld.
The first one, above is from Skjelfjorden at the southernmost island of Lofoten, just before coming to Hamnøy, where we stayed the last days of our visit. The next one is a little bit further north at Flakstadpollen. I liked the red cottages between the fjord and the road. And of course the towering mountains all around! But unfortunately we were not blessed with sunshine at that moment.
And the third image is even further north at the third large island island (counting from the south), Vestvågøy, and was actually captured by me standing on the bridge between Vestvågøy and Offersøya looking northeast into the fjord. The landscape in shadow (most of what we see) has the blue or purple cast I associate with winter in the Arctic, while the sunlit mountains in the background are coloured pink by the sun. You would assume this picture was taken in the early morning or late evening, but this actually captured at midday, a quarter after twelve.