Assignment to Granpa

Rorbuer in snowfall

When we went up to Tromsø, I got an assignment from my granddaughter: I should bring back some arctic plants for her to show in her school. So Jennifer and I have been looking. But the weather hasn’t really been conducive to finding arctic plants. Everything is covered in lots of snow. So with sadness we have to admit we have failed little Emily.

The images illustrate the weather, when the snow was falling and the wind blowing. We were driving from Sommarøy (our first location) to Senja (our second). Halfway through the wind picked up and whipped the snow across our car with such ferocity that the wipers couldn’t keep up and we had to stop and step out every five minutes to clean the wipers and the screen from snow. In the end I gave up and we stopped at a lay-by. Behind us another car stopped a minute later and in the other direction the same thing happened.

But after an hour we could continue again and reached our hotel in time for dinner.

The only plants you could find were the dwarf birch trees and occasionally some pines. Jennifer, Eric and I have sailed to Tromsø in summer, so we knew that there would be an abundance of flowers in the right season (spring and summer).

Landscape at Sommaroy July 2014, when we sailed to Tromsø.

But this stormy day all we could see were the snow clad mountains and the few trees growing in the cold winter landscape. But as soon as the sun came out again the landscape changed character, as you have seen in previous post and will see again in the coming ones!

Dwarf birches in a wintry landscape on Senja

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