
From my first visit at Straumsbukta

On the south side of Kvaløya is an old hamlet, as far as I could see totally abandoned, of houses, barns, boat sheds and other ancillary buildings in grey, yellow and red. It is extremely picturesque and Jennifer and I visited it twice. The first time in a glorious sunshine and the second time in a snow storm. I have tried to the best of my abilities to put together the pictures, so you can compare the impressions of the houses captured in two very different conditions.

I am afraid I haven’t been able to learn much about the original inhabitants, nor who are looking after the buildings now.

And this is the same motive two days later with the snow falling down and limited visibility

The two images above are taken looking down at the hamlet. The two images below are from the beach capturing a couple of the houses/barns looking up.

At the beach we had glorious views of along the shore to the distant mountains. But two days later the views were obscured by the snow fall and you couldn’t see very far.

View along the sore with good visibility

A tiny cellar probably used for storing potatoes and vegetables fascinated Jennifer. She had never seen something like that before and it certainly looked very cute hardly visible with the snow cover.

Among the group of houses were a couple of large barns, which created a beautiful subject against the snow.

Looking down towards the fjord.

And finally a couple of images showing the snow storm whipping the houses (and the photographer) as I tried to capture the beauty.

2 thoughts on “Straumsbukta

  1. Your photos reflect life. It looks very different when you’re in dire circumstances and future looks grim compared to days of happiness. Still the gray pictures are beatiful – some more bestiful than the sunny ones.

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