Fishing Huts

At Kattfjord

The contrast between the warm red or yellow fishing huts and the distant mountains covered in white or blue-white cold snow create stunning photographs. There are many times that I see an interesting subject, but I don’t find the right foreground to emphasise the depth of the image. Here in Norway the cottages and barns and huts, they were en masse! And often placed next to water with a stark fjell in the background. Providing a contrast in both colour and shape they helped create depth.

And when I look back at my photos I have in nearly everyone followed the traditional rules of photography, which obviously are imbedded in me. I normally show two sides of the hut, not just the long side or the gable. And I place the hut or cottage at one side, sometimes the right, sometimes the left. And I try to help the viewer move his/her eyes from the foreground towards the mountain in the background. Please look at the photos and see if I have achieved my intentions.

The photos were all taken during a single day of lovely weather at Kvaløya, an outlying island west of Tromsø.

At Kattfjord not far from the previous image
At Sørfjord, tele lens
At Nordfjord

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