
Looking across Hopsvatnet towards the village of Senjahopen

When we visited the island of Senja we stayed at a hotel at Mefjorden called Mefjord Brygge. And when the weather was really bad, we didn’t venture far out, but I captured a few moody images from Mefjorden itself. In Mefjorden there is a tiny little bay called Hopsvatnet and along one side of hopsvatnet is the village of Senjahopen. The image above is from Hopsvatnet towards Senjahopen. The mountains in the background turned blue and grey and my images looked like B&W images with a little touch of yellow or red, if I succeeded in having a cottage or hut in the foreground.

The waves are breaking over the granite blocks put up to protect a small parking lot at the end of the road beyond Mefjord Brygge

It isn’t only that colour turns to black and white in this weather, but the depth disappear and you need some kind of foreground like the yellow huts above to recreate the third dimension and give a sense of scale to the image. But as soon as the sun turns out the character of the landscape changes totally.

The stone pier next to our hotel captured from the window in our room
From the eastern side of Hopsvatnet across towards Senjahopen. The lovely red cottages closer to the camera were all uninhabited during winter time.
The bottom of Senjahopen where a little stream met the seawater of the fjord

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