Ersfjord & Steinfjord


The pier protecting the harbour at Ersfjord

Ersfjord and Steinfjord are two fjords next to each other on the northwestern side of Senja. My two first images are from Ersfjord and its harbour. I liked the long pier leading the eye far away to the sunlit mountains on the other side of the fjord. A little fishing boat is just entering the harbour as I took the picture.

The second image is looking into the bottom of Ersfjord. You can just see that the fishing boat from the first image has arrived to the jetty and landed its catch.

The fishing boat entering the harbour in the previous image has now tied up alongside the jetty at Ersfjord


At the bottom of Steinfjord we found this little life boat

Steinfjord is just next to Ersfjord. Jennifer and I found this little life boat left high up on dry land. But it led the eye via the barn to the sunlit fell top in the background. At the beach at the bottom of the fjord we captured two very different images. First I photographed a nice-weather-image on a nice-weather-day, and then Jennifer a day later captured me sitting at a picnic table all alone eating the picnic we had bought in Skaland. I tell you that it was very cold! But Jennifer had fun seeing me pose as a model for her photography!

On the eastern side of Steinfjord

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