Monsanto II

Looking out from above the village of Monsanto

Above the village the lanes and alleyways turned to small footpaths. No longer were we surrounded by medieval cottages but instead the pens and stables for hens and pigs, built into the boulders. And further on we had only the glorious evening sun shining on the landscape as we climbed up towards the castle.

Leaving the last cottages behind us we climbed up towards the castle
A storage area or stable on the hillside utilising a large stone boulder as its roof
Jennifer, Eric and Mikee on their way up
Looking back towards the village and the valleys beyond. The Torre de Lucano towers above all the other houses
Climbing up among the boulders
The castle is in the background and below it but far above me you can see (if you enlarge the image enough) Jennifer, Eric and Mikee looking at the grandiose views
Monsanto Castle from below
The landscape bathed in the warm sunset colours as we returned to a restaurant for dinner

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