Here we present a series of photos, mainly of our lovely baby Eric Gregory. And all them from around Knightstone. We start with winter photos and a sprinkle of snow and continue with a hunt meet that brought lots of horses and dogs to Knightstone. We meet our dogs, Chucky, ido and Nallah and our llamas, Jan and Eric and our sheep.
I was able to take a few photos of Knightstone Manor from helicopter thanks to Staffan and Eva Hamrén-Larsson. They came down in their helicopter for one of our weekend parties and Staffan took me up to catch Knightstone from a different angle. Nowadays you get the same pictures from a drone!
In May we got a visit from Eva and Philip Sheppard with their daughters. Young enough to catch Eric’s interest. My daughter Cat paid us a visit and we had a charity party with some opera singing.
And then, in May, it happened. Eric took his first steps just about a week before he turned 11 months old. Now he was a big boy!