Along Exeter Quays

A little dam just before the city centre

While Eric was training life saving in a swimming pool at St Lukes, I took a walk along the river Exe to the city centre along the attractive quays on this lovely Sunday morning. The city’s inhabitants and many students were out enjoying the Sunday sunshine. I wasn’t prepared with my camera. I only had my tiny iPhone and was astonished how good images I could get with this tiny little thing without breaking my back carrying a lot of equipment.

I crossed the river just before the dam in the image above and walked with the river on one side and the canal on the other until I came out on the south side of the river. I then took another bridge back to the north side and walked back to pick up Eric after his swim. And on top of the walk I also had time for a cappuccino along the quay enjoying the people. Very different from the solitude of Dartmoor!

A new development of nice houses next to the river on the city side
The yard and boat quays just below the cafés and restaurants along the quays

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