View from the bottom of Bergsbotn towards the fog and clouds outside the fjord
Bergsbotn is a west-facing fjord on the island of Senja, outside Tromsø. Many were the days, when we had sunshine looking inland, but looking west towards the open sea, the only thing we could see was the thick grey clouds and fog. The Gulf Current passed outside the islands and mist was rising from the warmer sea covering the distant mountains in grey clouds.
To catch the image above I had to walk through snow rising up to my knees, but I got an image with pristine snow covering the ground next to the little hut. Closest to the sea, the tide had washed away the snow. Walking back I followed the shore and captured the image below.
The mountains were reflected in the calm water
A few days earlier the island had clear skies and you could see all the way to the entrance of Bergsbotn fjord to the west. It had snowed he days before, but the snow ploughs had prepared the road. This photo is captured in the early morning as you can see from the orange glow on the sunlit mountain. I liked the black tree devoid of all its leaves contrasting against the mountain and the sky.
This is a wide angle photo capturing the whole fjord (more or less) from the bottom of it. The equipment in the water to the left is part of a hydro power station situated just behind me. It is fed by water from a lake more than 300 metres above where I am standing
On the north side of Bergsbotn is the little settlement with the same name. The two images below are from that settlement. It had a little red cottage that looked nice, when the sun was shining (see further images), but was spectacular in a snow fall and when the low-lying clouds enveloped the mountains in the background.
A little stream entering the bayMost of the roads run alongside the sea and along the contours of the fjords
The red cottage in sunshine
And in snowfalland with low-lying clouds
The two mountain tops in this image can be recognised behind the images of the red cottage above
Driving along the roads we encountered many areas where icicles had formed, when the sun shined and melted the snow