Eric was born at 01:50 on the 20th of June 2008. The evening before (18th June) we went to a party in London with Michael and Camilla at the Rectory. Dr Dennes had just examined Jennifer and said that it was probably another week to go, so we walked home until we found a taxi. And the next day I went down to Knightstone Manor, while Jennifer remained with Riza, who had come to help and be Eric’s nanny.
But in the evening Riza called Knightstone and told me that Jen was in labour. I jumped in the car and drove, faster than any time before or afterwards, and came to Portland hospital an hour before Eric would be borne. And Jennifer had only been at the hospital a few hours before he appeared into this new world.
One hour before Jen is giving birth at Portland Hospital
Jen had epidural, but took also oxygen before the epidural started to have effect
Winnie, Jen's midwife assuring Jen that everything is going fine
Dr William Dennes, Jen's gyneacologist. He came in at night and hadn't had time to change yet.
Eric 2 seconds old. Dr Dennes is just cutting the unbilical cord.
Half an hour after birth
A happy Jennifer relaxing after the worst of the pain has gone
The first meal
And the first bath
Later in the morning. Eric is 10 hours old.
Jen is calling her mum
Cannot we go home soon mum? I am bored!
Later in the morning both fell asleep
With mum and dad. Susanne took the photo
Susanne with Eric and Jen. Eric is a day old in June 2008.
Susanne carrying her baby brother. Shebrought lots of small silly gifts for little Eric
Family photo in the great hall. Mum, Dad, Nallah licking my ear, Susanne, Cat andChucky and of course Eric Gregory with his teddy bear. Susanne and Cat had decorated the house in anticipation of our arrival
Eric in his Moses basket one day old. The basket can be seen in the previous photo
Eric with mum in his nursery. Notice the size of mum's lovely tummy. Eric is two days old
The first tour in the pram. Riza, our nanny is with Eric and Chucky in the park