Confirmation Service commencing at Ottery St Mary’s Church
Already in spring Steve (our local vicar) suggested that we could have a joint confirmation of both Eric and Mikee. We planned their lessons during the autumn and Bishop Robert offered to officiate. We only invited their closest friends but both Godmothers came for the weekend, Florence from Spain and Camilla from Sweden. And Philip joined Florence but unfortunately Michael was busy at his parish in Stockholm.
For Friday night we all gathered at Knightstone and on Saturday lunch we went out to the Rusty Pig. And Saturday evening we were also joined by Rowan and Camilla (who worked for us between 2006 and 2009 and became very close to Mikee) and also by my daughter Susanne, her husband Dave and my first grandchild, Emily. But as you can see from the pictures of Susanne, their second child is on its way!
Saturday lunch at the Rusty Pig. Camilla, Mikee, Philip, me and Jennifer (Eric was hiding somewhere) and Florence is behind her iPhone
Sunday morning greeted us with nice weather and we went for a walk in the morning, and Jennifer had lunch arranged when we came back. And in the afternoon (4 pm) it was time for the Confirmation Service.
I didn’t bring the camera all the time but was helped by all the other photographers (guests) with their iPhones. So what you see is a mix of their photos and mine. The slide show is at the end of the text and the fixed images.
The confirmation was quite different from the Lutheran confirmations I was used to from Sweden and very moving. Bishop Robert was a great speaker and his sermon captured everyone. You can see the different stages of the Service in the photos in the slide show.
Mikee and Bishop Robert. The other confirmands including Eric (to the left of Mikee) came after them
After the Service afternoon tea was served at the church itself (at the Dorset Aisle) and then we went home to Knightstone Manor for dinner with our guests. Posh Nosh that normally do our large parties provided the dinner.
Saturday lunch at the Rusty Pig. Camilla, Mikee, Philip, me and Jennifer (Eric was hiding somewhere)
Jennifer and Florence with me
We had dinner at the former Combe House, now the Pig at Combe (many pigs on that day)
Emily playing with her Dad
Susanne, Mikee and Eric
The dinner itself took place in the old cellar of Combe House with Rowan, Florence, me, Camilla, Mikee, Camilla II, Philip, Jennifer and Susanne. And Eric in the foreground
The dinner table was next to the wine cellar, so a visit was of course necessary
Sunday morning we had a walk. Here in the meadow above our house with Camilla, Philip, Florence, I, Rowan and Camilla
On the walk: Camilla, Philip and I
At the return of our walk: Philip, Florence and I
Jennifer served a lunch after the walk
Eric and Papa ready to have lunch
In the afternoon the children were dressed up for the confirmation service at Ottery St Mary's church. The church filled up before the service commenced
Mikee and Eric sat on the front bench. It was in total 16 people, mainly adults, that were confirmed that afternoon by the Bishop
Mikee and Eric
Michael Farley was playing the organ
The procession with the Choir. Mikee normally sings in the choir, but not today
Bishop Robert
Ottery St Mary church is from medieval times and is slightly older than Knightstone Manor
After the sermon the candidates were presented to the Bishop and then they all went in procession to the font
Mikee and later Eric and the other candidates signed themself with water from the font in remembrance of their baptism
Eric is doing the sign
Mikee walking back from the font
The confirmation itself, where the Bishop laid his hands upon each candidate and said: "Confirm, O Lord, your servant with your Holy Spirit. Amen"
The confirmation of Mikee. Unfortunately I couldn't capture Mikee, but I got Eric's happy smile
Confirmation of Eric
Back in their benches after the Confirmation
Their first Eucharist. Mikee walking forward to the Altar and Eric is prepared to follow
Mikee receives communion
Eric walking back from the communion
The wafer and the wine tasted obviously a little different. Eric wasn't too sure!
After the Service the Bishop invited Mikee to walk with him in the procession down the Church
Mikee and Bishop Robert. The other confirmands including Eric (to the left of Mikee) came after them
Mikee singing with +Robert
Eric is getting his proof of the Confirmation by the Bishop
Wilfred is listening and smiling to the right, while +Robert is chatting to Eric
Mikee is receiving her proof of Confirmation
They had a good connection
+Robert and Mikee
Posh Nosh had arranged a buffet dinner for us afterwards. Alison Howle, Alan Madden, Steve Howle, Kathy and Stephen Weston
Our head chef preparing one of the puddings
Caleb and Eric with Jen and Philip behind and my grand daughter Emily in the background
But we had even younger children at the party. Amelie, Lewis and Karen's youngest, was cuddled by everyone.
Lewis and Mikee carrying Amelie
Lucas must have been happy with all these young girls. Mikee with the Holwles three daughers, Darcy, Cecille and Verity (all blonde) and Grendel