Devil’s Teeth

The Devil’s Teeth

Devil’s Teeth are the jagged mountain tops on Senja that you can imagine resembles the teeth of the Devil. Jen and I visited a viewpoint, Tungeneset, from where you got a good view of the mountains.

Our hotel at Mefjord Brygge is actually not far from the mountain that can be seen to the right of the teeth and is reflected in the pool between the ledges in the foreground. But the drive to get from the hotel to Tungeneset took us on a very windy road on the other side (the northeastern side) of the mountain and then through a long tunnel before we got out at Ersfjord, the fjord that shoots in between our foreground ledges and the sunlit mountains in the background.

And with a tele lens

We actually visited Tungeneset three times. The first time was a recce in the middle of the day. The Devil’s Teeth looked as impressive at that time, but the colour were more midday neutral rather than the golden that the teeth acquired later in the day. The second time was when I captured the two images at the top of the blog. The third time was in the morning, the sky was grey and I turned my camera in the other direction across Steinfjord to the southwest. You can see a little bit of sun reflected on the white snow at the middle mountain.

Notice the very interesting cloud formations that we had in all our visits at Tungeneset.

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