Excursion from Sommarøy

Kvaløya South Coast

Although we were hit by snow storms a couple of times, most days offered stunning sun shine, blue skies and sea and the land covered in pristine white snow. We did excursions every day in our rented car. The roads followed the coast and the thickness of the snow cover prevented us from venturing too far away from the roads. And around every bend of the road, we encountered new stunning scenery, a few images of which I have posted here from our first day at Sommarøy and neighbouring Kvaløya.

One of the many fishing cottages or boat sheds or “Rorbuer” that I photographed had three lovely reindeer painted on the wall.

Boat shed with reindeer painted on the long side
Detail of the painted reindeer

Snow clad mountains, white and yellow houses, red boat sheds and grey granite stone jetties all became part of my compositions, sometimes with the added bonus of reflections in the sea or a dramatic sky.

Sometimes I had to walk in snow above my knees to get the composition I wanted.
Towards the afternoon the skies turned moody but the sea was still calm

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