Light and reflections

Looking east into Kattfjorden with the sun just to the right of the image creating lovely shadows on the snow-covered dunes at Sommarøy

Even during daytime the light can be dramatic north of the Arctic Circle. The sun is so low in winter that it creates lovely shadows that models the landscape all day long. And if the wind is calm, you can get very attractive reflections in the fjords. Jen and I went out one day on Kvaløya (an island immediately west of Tromsø), but before we had gone long I stopped the car to walk down to a beach, where the sun shining from the right side created such nice shadows of the snow clad dunes at my feet. And in the background the fjells of Kvaløya and in between the low-lying Tussøya.

Below is another image from the same place but this time looking north towards the dramatic peak of the little island of Håja. But now the light is behind us and the dunes in the foreground were not so interesting, so I excluded most of them in the photo.

Looking north towards the dramatic high rising island of Håja from the same dunes

But already before we left our hotel at Sommarøy, I was able to capture a few photos towards the settlement at Hillesøy. See the following two images. Next to me the fjord was frozen and further away the wind created some ripples, enough to destroy any reflections. But in between was a small ribbon of calm water, where the fjells could be seen, reflected in the water.

The settlement at Hillesøy with the mountains reflected in the small band of water between the thin ice closest to the camera and the ripples on the fjord further away, where no reflections could be seen

The water in the fjord closest to the camera is covered by a thin layer of ice and next to it calm water allows the mountains to be reflected, before ripples further away prohibits any reflections

In the afternoon we visited Grøtfjord. Looking north and west dramatic clouds and a thick fog covered our views, but the small settlement was still bathed in sunshine. When we came back later in the afternoon the sun had all but disappeared.

Grøtfjord with thick, dark clouds towards the northwest
Looking southwest from the settlement of Grötfjord towards Tromvik. The sun is just to the left of my image and to the right the dark clouds and fog can gain be seen.

During most of the day, the fjord was calm enough to give us lovely reflections of sometimes some details like a cottage or a hut, sometimes of a whole mountain.

Along Nordfjorden. I liked the opening in the foreground leading the eye towards the houses on the other side of the fjord and the lovely reflection of them and the mountain.
Another view along the winding and long Nordfjorden
Reflections at Grötfjord
… and at Nordfjord

At the far distance the light was different. And in the afternoon it became even more subtle, more diffused. The contrast diminished and the colours became more pastel. Captured by a tele lens it had its own elegance. Very dreamy and romantic.

The subtle pastel colours of the far away mountains in the afternoon (135 mm tele)

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