It has been quite cold for a while, but now we are basking in the heat over Easter. But the photos below are from earlier at end March and beginning April.
The first one is from late March, when we had sunshine but not that high temperatures. Eric and Jennifer were in Exeter and Mikee prepared lunch for the two of us. She made a salad of duck and mango and lots of other ingredients. But the Rosé wine was only for me. She doesn’t drink wine yet – at least not in the company of her parents!
Mikee took the pictures with her iPhone. Selfies become quite distorted, but the charm of the moment was easy to convey. And above us in the field were the new born lamb frolicking happily!
And a week later the spring holidays had just started and now the whole family was having lunch beside our stream. But as you can see, it was only Eric that refused to wear a jacket or sweater. But now as Easter is upon us, we are having both breakfast, lunch and dinner at one of our outside sitting areas.