Óbidos at Easter

Good Friday procession at Óbidos

Easter is a special time for us Christians. And even more so in the Catholic parts of Europe. We had the privilege of being near Óbidos on Good Friday, when a procession takes place between the different churches in Óbidos. They bring Jesus body and Virgin Mary and the participants enact different figures from the time from Roman soldiers to mourning Jewish women. All of Óbidos street lights are turned off, so the whole town is in darkness, just lit by the candles from the processions.

And Óbidos itself is of course a very special town. I told about it in my previous post. A settlement existed already before Roman time and its location was due to the lagoon that made it possible for shipping to find a safe harbour below the walls of Óbidos. The Moors fortified the town and built the first castle and after the Christian reconquest the castle and fortifications were much enhanced.

Óbidos is a magnet for tourists at any time with its well preserved medieval town and castle, but around Easter it is a magnet for thousands more arriving for the Good Friday procession. Jennifer and I stayed with our friends just outside Óbidos and could visit a couple of times. Although it was lovely to be part of the Easter procession, the crowds made it more difficult to capture any meaningful photos.

The main entrance to the town through a gate had the most wonderfully decorated Manueline tiles covering the ceiling and upper walls.
A bookshop at the top floor, but at the ground level they sell tinned sardines. We visited it with our friends Florence and Philip, who also stayed with Siggi and Katharina. Florence is Eric’s godmother.

The photos above are all from a daytime visit during Easter (apart from the very first one). The atmosphere was entirely different during our evening visit on Good Friday. All lights were turned off and only candles and torches illuminated the town.

The most important figure in the procession was Virgin Mary. Here she is being carried into the church, Igreja de São Pedro, for a short service together with the body of Jesus Christ.
We are looking at the entrance of one of the churches in Óbidos, Igreja de São Pedro, just as the short service has finished and the body of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary and other paraphernalia are being carried out of the church. Local scouts were among the people lining the paths of the procession
First came the Virgin Mary carried by four men
The body of Jesus was placed on a special bed and thousands of participants and bystanders then walked in a procession around what symbolised his body. A solemn occasion, but also in my mind a little bit of a macabre one.

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