St Just in Roseland

The churchyard at St Just in Roseland overlooking St Just creek

St Just in Roseland is a parish on the Roseland peninsula in South Cornwall just east of Falmouth. The parish church must be one of the prettiest in all of England. The current church building was consecrated by the bishop of Exeter in 1216. 

And if the church itself is one of the prettiest, the churchyard is without doubt the most beautiful in all of England! Spread out over a large area overlooking the tidal creek with winding paths bordered by bamboo and palm trees and ancient gravestones.

Our family stayed in St Mawes (which is in the parish of St Just) over Jennifer’s birthday in August, and one morning Eric and I took a walk from St Mawes to St Just along Carrick Roads (the large bay between Falmouth and St Mawes that is the mouth of River Fal). The images are from the church yard at St Just’s Church, and I have included a couple of photos from St Mawes as well.

View from the churchyard towards St Just Creek and the boatyard. Further to the left is Carrick Roads
St Mawes Castle, one of the many coastal fortifications that Henry VIII built (in the 1540s) to defend against a potential Spanish or French attack. The castle sits on the east side of the very important anchorage of Carrick Roads with Pendennis Castle on the west side and the two castles protecting the anchorage. We are looking south towards the English Channel.

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